Expanding Foam
Parafoam PU Gunfoam
with high foam yield and low post-expansion, for perfect thermal and acoustic insulation.
For filling, sealing and insulating of joints.
Very appropriate for installation of window and door frames.
Resistant to water and temperature variation (-50°C up to +90°C). Cured foam can be cut, sawn, plastered and painted and is resistant against water.
Ozone Friendly - CFC- and HCFC- free.
Not UV proof.
Shelf life: Unopened and vertically stored 18 months in cool and dry place. Expiry date: printed on bottom of can.
Excellent adhesion on all traditional construction materials like wood, concrete, stone, masonry, plasterwork, metals, most plastics, polystyrene, polyurethane foam, polyester, PVC-u, except on PE, PP, PTFE, silicon, oil and grease.
Surfaces must be firm, free of dust and grease. Moisten surfaces with water. Ambient temperature during application must be between +5°C and +40°C. Can temperature: +5°C to +35°C. Shake the can 20x thoroughly and screw can on gun. Fill the joints to 60-70% as foam expands. Tack free after 6-10 min. Can be cut after 30min. Fresh foam can be cleaned with solvent cleaners. Cured foam with specialized cleaners or mechanically.
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